Sunday, April 5, 2009

MerMade LemonAid - Icy Antidote

Woohoo! Worlds away and united on the web!

I am soooo grateful to be working in earnest on a tangible version of "The Oonahnamae Pro-ject", and play with words...

Speaking of...Some AQ Life Tools to get the blog started:

1. When life gives you lemons...make "MerMade LemonAid".

2. If there's something strange in your ba-ack yard, call: "The Scandinavian Contingent - A.K.A. the A.P.A." (more on that in later blogs).

3. For the love of Pete, savour "Forbidden Fruit".

4. "And when you're lost and on the road...", look for the Sleeping Diamond and never surrender to ego.

"And say..." that doesn't bring a smile to your face, perhaps you should play dress up, paint a lightening bolt or two on your face and create, create, create a reality that works for you!

Natasha, Amy, Jennifer and Rebecca Christenson will share as they awaken their highest versions of self.

May you all enjoy your journey to unification; on personal, global and uni-versal levels.

See ya on the flip side!

Today's MerMade LemonAid - Babushka Bliss!

We worked for hours today on setting up the blog...then I needed fresh air to keep thinking and get more blood flowing.

Here is how a California girl humours the eternal optimist (Me) in my, by-God-I'm-going-for-a-friggin', er' frigid, early, Albertan, April.

We walked...wind whipped around us as it glazed the icy lake...and we came immediately back home after rounding the block...

LemonAid --- I opened the balcony door...all sunshine, no shivers!!!

What a gal wouldn't do for her sister?

Now to get Twitter-pated!


  1. This time of coming together can only enhance the creative flow and serve all that choose to embrace the art of dreaming.

    It is LAW (loving and wonderful)
    Each of you is tucked in my heart as well as you are tucked within each other's hearts........

  2. Great post Sabrae! A great way to start of the blog! I can't wait to contribute to it myself! :)

  3. We should get a link to your video...when you're ready oh rooted one!!!
