Friday, January 15, 2010

Passing the Torch...

Olympia's Flame:

Today I went to the local Olympic torch lighting.  Passing the torch, in my mind, is the art of transition.  Transitions done well go unnoticed, like good editing.

I live in a town known for its retirement community.  It has been seen as an inevitable last stop -- before kicking the bucket.  The movie "Bucket List" incidentally, was not far off

As I contemplate passing the torch -- In life and death -- I consider my Grandmothers.  The closer they get, the more there seems to be a struggle with the unknown.  Hmmm...what a catalyst and opportunity to reflect --- Mortality.

I wonder...Are people unable to accept death, only when they have not lived?  Anyhoo (my Gma's segue technique) was about:

A Celebration of Life!

The slogan for Canada's 2010 showcase is "Paint the Town Red" and they did.  Flags were waving, cheeks were painted with the good ole' Maple and a great entertainment line-up kept our toes tapping!

The energy in the air was palpable, at moments I was overcome -- and I'm not really one for patriotism -- preferring a more global approach -- The Us v. Them thing is juvenile -- especially unattractive in light of the Haitian needs right now.  There is no "them".  We are all life...

There was no denying that there was a certain -- energy in the air.  The energy of potential, of possibility.  A bit of something bigger is good for small communities, where there is "Big Fish - Small Pond-ness."

Anyhoo, As Olympia's flame makes it's way to Vancouver, I started thinking of how many once-in-a-lifetime experiences we have?

Every moment is.

In that moment, with the crowd, I appreciated fellowship for something positive, transcendent really.   There is power in shared joy.  The announcer spoke on making a better Canada and a better world...and asked if we were ready for joy?

I am.  Despite the simplicity and seemingly obvious answer -- joy takes some doing.  It is a choice.  As is peace.  The some doing comes from the effort to reprogram.

Lightworker Archetypes:

The Aquarian torch bearers are The Holly King and The Oak Queen.

Celtic history would have it be two Kings, but we preferred the (I believe it is Russian) male/female hand-off.  The Male balances the time of the moon until winter solstice.  The Female energy nutures the light of the newborn sun.

I have been thinking of the lovely Lady of Oak this entire week.  Frankly, I miss her.  I miss all of the paintings that hung in our gallery.  They were illuminated and illuminating.  It will be so nice when we set up a new gallery and healing centre...

2010 is off to a blazing start...

We've had two busy weeks so far, this is literally the first chance I've had to blog in days!  Last night my daughter said, "Mom you work too hard, you should rest."

I thanked her for the concern and explained that I am lucky to work on what I love (in the evenings).  I also said, I'm spent, which is different than tired...I need fueling up or rest, because I'm in my productive time of life.

If she is noticing my fatigue, then perhaps I need to evaluate.  This is a good opportunity to assess balance.  Like yoga, meditation and other disciplines (cooking healthfully), it does take practice.

I use the crock pot a lot...and I've de-cluttered...It's time to focus -- I choose my life, but what life is that?  My divine purpose calls -- I choose to answer now...

Healing Art:

Jen's booking into March/April for commissions.  Her healing art -- portrait commissions  (Pets, Babies, favorite Athletes) are steadily increasing.


We are full of excitement for what this year has in store.

One milestone was already reached in the first week of 2010.  The website is paying for itself (and not via Mom and Dad buying the art)!

Thanks to everyone around the world who pops in for a peak, makes inquiries and purchases.
