Thursday, July 7, 2011

We have lift-off! First AQ book goes live...

This is a quick note to celebrate with our online community.

After three and a half years of gestation, our first book project is complete.  It is a work of Heart which poses the question, "How do you feed the stars?"

Incidentally, NASA scheduled its final shuttle launch this week.  Interesting...

The Oonahnahmae Universe book really began to take shape spring of 2010, when Jen decided to paint as much a possible, in between day-job shifts.  We discussed my ideas in the poem and how it related to the world of the Aquarians.

Jen pulled together her thumbnails, talked to me about imagery, incorporated our storylines and characters from The Aquarians and kept on painting, and painting, and painting -- detail after minute detail...for over a year!

Once interior pages were complete, we collaborated on cover design and book dedication.  After which, Jen passed all paintings to me, and I began a steep learning curve.  Publishing is not in my realm of experience.

I worked through equipment and design challenges.  Made more interesting by having a US based publisher --- Most of all, my children kept cheering me on.

Jen and I were never sure of how (or when) our work would culminate in a finished project.

Baby steps.  Keep going.  Problem Solve.

I am happy to announce The Oonahnahmae Universe went live today and is available through:

Thanks for sharing this step as we work to become the best visual storytellers we can be.

The Oonahnahmae Universe project has begun its public life -- in the same way a baby is presented for the first time.  It's a joyful process, but you are almost too tired to know that the delivery occurred.

Here's to everyone discovering their Bowl of Light!  Go ahead and dump your pesky pebbles out...

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