Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"1000 Dreams" - Introducing BlueTube Channel!

I'm writing this on November 1st, known to some as All Saint's day, to  others, Celtic New Year.

In honour of beginnings, we are launching our YouTube Channel!  It was a bit neglected since its inception, but with increasing content, my usual statement is "Why not?"

With broadcasting completely mainstream, there are no "tubes" in sight.  Wierd.   I mean the cathode ray tube of course.  A clunker I for one, am happy to release....

The Reworking of the "Crossing Over" photo shoot.

Perhaps "tube" in the future will infer prana???  In our case it certainly does.  Blue is for communication...

And so, in gratitude for the latest tech advances, we invite you to...


I like to start any new cycle doing something I love.

I love working with performance and visual artists!  I also had a musical track looping in my mind, as we planned this shoot.

Despite setting the stage, Jen and I really didn't know what was captured, until much later.  These things tend to take on a life of their own, dependent on collaborative energies.

I am always impressed with subtleties offered in eyeline, nuance, facial expression and action!!  (See Corey's hand below - warming Natasha's toes...)  Didn't see that touch of kindness, until cropping the shot.

"Three in the Tree" - Photo: Rebecca Christenson
Models (Lto R): Amy Christenson, Natasha Christenson, Corey Makaloski
Body Art: Jennifer Christenson

"1000 Dreams" Evolution
 When we shed our masks, what happens?  It can be a period of increased vulnerability.

As Jen says: "Trudge, trudge, trudge..." 

The "Crossing Over" day seemed to hold a melancholy air. 

The new BlueTube montage reflects the art of "doing the work".  I was not certain this shoot translated our vision that day.  I was not certain the song fit anymore.  I was not certain...

But we kept creating...and I kept re-ordering the sequence.

I am reminded of Disney's "Gargoyles (2nd season)" when they speak of Avalon.  It won't send you where you "want" to be, but rather where you "need" to be.

I finally saw "1000 Dreams" I could still believe --- after incorporating the model's 1000 watt smiles.  Now, assembly completed, I can't speak for the others, but I learned a great deal from this windy grove.

--- Go ahead ---
--- Go out on that limb --- 

Your life is the expression of you!

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