Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009 - We are Aqua!

Je t'aime l'Halloween!

As I write this at the kitchen table I am illuminated by a gorgeous (and temperate) All Hallows, gibbous moon.  There are many things I love about my home, but the early rising moonlight is appropos tonight.

Halloween is a marker in my life...sparkles and blue eye shadow the capstone.  

Since the early '80's, I have been sharing wearable glitter with friends.  The first pot was gooey, but worth eyelid stickiness.  I glitzed for skating parties, school dances and never missed October 31st.

Personal paradigm shifts tend to occur for me this time of year as well.

This year, was no exception.  I prepped for my kids' school party in source-heiress attire.  Between us, the bathroom was a-glitter by 8 am Friday!  I choked back a few tears, not wanting to draw attention, as my daughter bedazzled herself -- in her way.  

She did not want my help, although I'd have loved to jump in.  I enjoyed watching her implement the expressive tools of costume and make up.  I watched as she chose ocean blue (aqua), creating the vision she held of herself.

She loves long black hair and has been talking about having it for years.  The passion was so strong last night (or she was so over-tired), she didn't want to take her wig off to go to bed.  I told her she could sleep in it, but it'd be scratchy and messy for trick or treating...

Huge tears streamed down her cheeks, smudging a face-paint butterfly (from the family party we'd been to).  

We sat on the floor, I gave a hug and discussed the great thing about trying on different looks, lives and personalities...It is a tool for aligning with our inner selves.  I suggested rather than cry, she could tweak her look for a few years, to practice what fits best.  

Tonight as we went trick or treating, a friend of mine supported her, saying she knew how it felt and dyed her own light hair, very dark in junior high.  I said I also wanted to ditch blond for a variety of reasons, at different times in life.  We talked about why people make drastic changes to the outer body.  

Halloween is a liberation for those who are courageous enough to express through costume. It is an opportunity to look back (mullets or 70's platforms), look forward (space travelers and aliens) or look into other worlds (characters from fiction or fantasy).

The title of this entry is a nod to fellow free-spirit MIKA, who inspires The Aquarians core  collaborators.  "We are Golden", echoes my thoughts on this eve...of the girl I was...dancing to the plethora of pop from the 80's (70's, 60's, 50's) a bright purple and black uni-tard,  with a lightning bolt down the side (wish I were joking)... perfecting moves I choreographed for air band competitions, with my 5 year-old brother on air-guitar ('er ping pong paddle -- early AQ art department)...

Thanks to MIKA for recent EPK's and Vlogs...I was home early tonight, as the kids are recovering from a type of flu.  It was nice to have sparkly singles and BTS (behind the scenes) to check out...and to see how other sibs co-create!

Thanks to ALL friends and family who've joined in twinkly fun these many years.  Hope your night is Spooktacular...


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